FlashCards for webOS

Future FlashCards Features

Send me your suggestions, I would love to hear from you.

Semi Official v3.0 feature List

  1. Integration of the StudyStack API (waiting on search mechanism)
    1. With this, I will redesign the methods used to "browse" for Flash Card data. This will give us the Editor's Picks, User Submitted, and direct browsing of StudyStack.com. If I can get more API's developed, maybe even browsing Quizlet.com, FCE, FlashCardDB.com, etc. Who knows...
  2. FlashMe! (high priority)
    1. This feature will send random cards to you through notifications in the phone during the day. The interval and set can be changed in the preferences, and allows for you to study new or unlearned cards throughout the day, little by little.
  3. Study multiple sets at once
    1. Basically, merge capabilities. It's actually half complete, but did not make the 2.0 final cut due to issues.
    2. This will come to the Online Tools first.
  4. Study Tools
    1. Allow the option to review cards once through, then restart, study different, or study cards that were missed.
    2. History of cards viewed
    3. Better algorithms
    4. Timer(s) (Thanks Keith)
      1. Allow the time to be shown at all times. ALlows users studying for timed exams (like the Bar Exam) see how long they are taking to answer a question.
      2. Adding the option to see on average how long you take to answer a question in the practice stats.
    5. 'Locking' the study area to portrait/landscape mode. Done in v2.1.0
    6. Getting the auto-grow text feature PERFECTED! Done in v2.1.0
  5. Review Mode
    1. The ability to review cards with Question & Answer displayed on top of each other. Then you can use the "flip mode" to essentially test yourself. Maybe this can be exanded more too. (Thanks Melissa!)
  6. Reports
    1. Detailed reports showing your study sessions and progress.
    2. I hope to hire a 'statician' to help get these JUST right and use it for better algorithms.
  7. Set Management
    1. Download multiple sets at once.
    2. Rate/review sets for others to see.
    3. Automatic notification when a set is changed on the server.
    4. Organize sets into categories to better organize them.
  8. Calendar Tools
    1. Setup a study schedule and have the details input into your calendar system as well as showing what your schedule looks like.
  9. Trivia Pursuit Game
    • Choose any of the FlashCard sets you have installed to play trivial pursuit
  10. Synching
    1. Automatically synch your flash card data with the online tools in the background. Never loose your data and never worry about manually uploading them.
  11. New opening page
    1. Hehe, not going to tell you this. It is a surprise. But... I think I know just the thing to "wow" you again! There will be features to customize YOUR desk, and easter eggs for sure (not just the balloon quotes).
  12. Your Suggestion Here... Seriously! Send your ideas to Me

Future Features

  • Localization
    • Translation of the app for Spanish, German, and French.
  • Store image and audio data locally
    • I am waiting on better file management tools before I can complete this.
    • I can download files now, but could not check to see if the file was deleted (i.e. you plugged the phone into USB and cleaned it up)
    • I also cannot delete files when you delete a set, so there would be 'leftovers' that can clutter your drive -- this is just not acceptable to me, so I want to get it right.
  • Audio Recording
    • As soon as the Microphone is opened up to us developer's, I will build tools to record audio.
    • I will also launch a competition for users, with cash money ($$$) rewards!
    • The user who records the most Audio for the Editor's Picks will win probably $500. Second, third, and bonus prizes will also be available. Similar to Palm's Hot Apps promotion.
    • This is me re-investing the profits of FlashCards to bring you an even better product.
    • I may provide additional bonuses for Spanish, French, and German users.
    • When the competition begins, look for some Language FlashCards complete with audio and done by native speakers.
  • Premium Flash Card Sets
    • I hope to get some professional testing organizations to create their practice tests on the FlashCards for webOS system.
    • Companies would have the right to charge additional fees for these sets, but we would require them to have full functionality: Hints, Lesson Plans, Tags, Pictures, Audio, and Multiple Choice (where feasible).
    • When Flash is supported, they will have the option to add video or special animations.
  • Better integration with Quizlet
    • Quizlet is awesome, and I hope to work with them more and provide you even more integration.